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COVID-19 Access & Equity

The fight against COVID-19 continues­­­­­–­­

EVERYONE should have access to the vaccine. 

ACIJ has worked throughout the pandemic for equitable COVID-19 vaccine access and language justice.  In early 2020, the ACIJ Leadership Council Rapid Response committee and staff compiled a list of resources by county for support with COVID testing, food distribution, and utility assistance.  In early April, we launched a bilingual hotline to provide this information to callers statewide. Our committee also fundraised over $25,000 to provide grants to undocumented individuals and families in need of financial assistance. 

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If you are interested in organizing a clinic in your community,

call us at 205-945-0777 or email us at


The ACIJ Community Aid Fund is now closed!  Thanks to the support of community leaders and allies, we distributed over $120,000 to 300 immigrant families left out of federal relief.

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